Saturday, February 28, 2009

RMS Combines Process Improvement and Appropriate Automation to Yield Organizational Performance Excellence

RMS Combines Process Improvement and Appropriate Automation to Yield Organizational Performance Excellence

Performance excellence. Every organization wants it, yet few get it. This perplexing situation has vexed many managers and leaders over the years and Resource Management Solutions (RMS) has developed methods that aid organizations in achieving it.

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) February 28, 2009 - Performance excellence. Every organization wants it, yet few get it. This perplexing situation has vexed many managers and leaders over the years and Resource Management Solutions (RMS) ( has developed methods that aid organizations in achieving it.

Relying on decades of accumulated experience of its consultants, RMS knows that automating is not the key to achieving performance excellence. While aiding organizations as they implement Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) or Workforce Management Technology (WMT) systems has been RMS's mainstay for many years, they recently embarked on a "vertical integration" to assure that their clients receive the maximum value from their technology investment ( Specifically, they have added a significant amount of expertise in the area of business process management.

When added to the "front" of systems implementation projects, business process management fits perfectly into the company's desire to plan for optimal impact. In this regard, a RMS ( client can expect that their implementation team will have at least one consultant who is well versed in process improvement and redesign. In doing this, the project team will have the wherewithal to improve the performance of the client's process(es) and then proceed to implementing the enabling automation.

This up-front focus on process improvement assures that the client's processes are at optimal performance and that they drive the design and implementation of the technology. This maximizes the client's investment while minimizing the risk that the technology will dictate the client's operations.

Resource Management Solutions (RMS) ( is a management consulting firm serving diverse clients since 2000. A California-based Corporation, RMS is also a certified small business. RMS has a solid record of accomplishment. It has gained the reputation for doing whatever it takes to make sure projects are successful, helping organizations with up to 45,000 employees by successfully implementing human capital management solutions in a timely cost effective manner.


NAME: Scott Siderman

PHONE: 866-361-1704 ext. 708

# # #

Contact Information Scott Siderman


RMS Warns; Be in the Driver Seat When Deciding on Your Software Solution

RMS Warns; Be in the Driver Seat When Deciding on Your Software Solution

Rod Sherr, CPA, President/CEO of Resource Management Solutions, suggests the following steps to keep your company in the driver's seat when selecting the right software application solution for your organization.

Los Angeles, CA (Vocus) February 28, 2009 -- Most companies understand they need help when looking at investing in a software solution. The real question is where they turn for help? If they turn to a software sales team before they are "ready", they could be making a very big mistake.

"Unfortunately, I have seen this happen too often," says Rod Sherr, CPA, President/CEO of Resource Management Solutions (RMS) (, a California Corporation. "Many companies do not understand the protocol of selecting the right software application solution for their organization. They do spend time on researching what might work best for them but many neglect the first step to take before contacting the software vendors."

Sherr goes on to say that companies that give up the driver seat to a sales team may have already lost the battle. The dog and pony show does need to take place in the boardroom but the timing of this must be strategic. If vendors are invited in too soon, there may be promises made that cannot be fulfilled and companies may end up paying for a lot of customizations to get the software to perform to match their needs.

Sherr recalls walking into the boardroom of a very large client who had just signed a contract with a vendor to purchase their software. They got a great price but the ground work was not completed prior to the purchase. As a result, the company had well over 100 customizations to the software to get it to perform adequately. Due to the numerous customizations, this implementation took longer to complete and ended up costing this company more than the cost of the other vendor's solutions. With this many customizations, it made their software impossible to ever upgrade.

What is the proper protocol? Sherr suggests the following steps to keep your company in the driver's seat:

1. Document your company's current (AS IS) state. Sherr says, "you need to know where you are before you can determine the path of where you need to go."

2. Prepare a needs assessment, a list of your business requirements and objectives. Prioritize what is most important functionality wise to you. In other words, what are your "must haves" verses your "like to haves".

3. Once current state is defined and documented along with business requirements, a company is ready to write their requirements in the form of a request for proposal (RFP). This is then submitted to the public and is the formal invitation for software vendors to submit their proposals. Pay very close attention to how each vendor addresses your needs.

4. Once the proposals are reviewed, companies are now ready to invite vendors to the party. This is where vendors need to answer questions and show you the functionality of their software.

Sherr says, "make sure all questions get answered by the vendors. Do not leave anything unanswered." A good software salesperson will be able to show their potential client live scenarios of any areas of functionality that they have a question about. If vendors can't reproduce the scenario or don't answer the questions fully, don't sign their contract until they prove their case. Sherr urges companies to spend the time necessary to prepare for their software selection and be ready to ask the software vendors the tough questions. By following these steps, a company can greatly reduce under-performance and project failure risks.

Resource Management Solutions (RMS) ( is a professional services consulting firm specializing in improving the processes that directly affect the productivity and management of Human Capital. By making improvements to the processes in these areas and with the use of today's technology, RMS is able to show their clients how to increase productivity and reduce labor costs thus affecting the company's profitability. These cost reduction procedures RMS implements are sustainable for years to come. RMS has been serving their clients since 2000. A California-based Corporation, RMS has a solid record of accomplishment. It has gained the reputation of doing whatever it takes to ensure projects are successful. RMS has helped companies with up to 45,000 employees successfully implement ERP and Workforce Management Technology solutions in a timely cost effective manner. Call one of our offices today and see why people call RMS "the missing piece" to their projects. RMS looks forward to serving you soon.


NAME: Scott Siderman

EMAIL: SSiderman(at)

PHONE: 866-361-1704 ext. 708


Contact Information Scott Siderman

Resource Management Solutions


RMS Focuses on Unique Solutions for Managing Scarce Resources

RMS Focuses on Unique Solutions for Managing Scarce Resources

There is little question that organizations are facing an increasingly challenging competitive environment and economy. As a result, they are trying to use their internal resources more and more effectively. In response to this, Resource Management Solutions (RMS) ( has focused on collaborating with its clients, jointly developing solutions to managing human capital that are well suited to both today and the future.

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) February 28, 2009 -- There is little question that organizations are facing an increasingly challenging competitive environment and economy. As a result, they are trying to use their internal resources more and more effectively. In response to this, Resource Management Solutions (RMS) ( has focused on collaborating with its clients, jointly developing solutions to managing human capital that are well suited to both today and the future.

Currently in its ninth year of operation, RMS boldly steps forward, with an eye on both the present and the future. With a CFO/Controller background himself, Rod Sherr, a CPA, President and CEO of RMS, and his team now leverage their historical specialization in time and attendance system implementation by broadening their horizons to provide comprehensive business solutions including such things as, process improvement, resource management, and advisory consulting services.

"The time has come for Business Innovation and Workforce Management Technology to merge. Companies want and need answers now, not 10 days after month-end close". The technology is currently available Sherr says. In fact, companies in industries such as Healthcare and Manufacturing gain the most benefit from the current Workforce Management Technology ( (WMT).

These types of companies can lose hundreds of thousands of dollars each year if they don't understand exactly how to control their labor costs. Sherr recalls his 17 plus years in industry trying to focus on labor cost reduction. He says it was very hard to do and very labor intensive. Although Time and Attendance software was developed in the 70's, it was initially used only to capture time and share this data with the Human Resource and Payroll Systems. It has only been in the last few years that Time and Attendance software development companies started focusing on and designing their software to provide timely critical data for management to utilize in their critical decision processes. In fact today's technology allows a company to run real data scenarios helping a company to select the most cost effective teams when additional hours are required in a day or week. This technology allows an organization to tweak the line-up until the most cost effective employees are identified thus reducing overtime. This alone can save an organization a lot of money each week/month/year.

Sherr has focused on the concept of helping their clients understand the power and ability of truly managing their workforce by utilizing today's technology.

For each client, RMS ( uniquely constructs process improvement and technology solutions, problem solving, and implementation expertise, to better manage and/or significantly lower labor costs. When coupled with their exceptional project management discipline, RMS delivers a total implementation solution which involves the proper training of management not just the end-users.

RMS also focuses on Software Application Utilization. On an average most companies only utilize their software's capability somewhere between 60% - 65%. This leaves out critical functionality Sherr says. This is why RMS works with their clients to raise this utilization percentage. Sherr invites you to call RMS for a free consultation which will allow you to explore options on how your company can save on labor costs.

Resource Management Solutions (RMS) is a professional services consulting firm specializing in improving the processes that directly affect the productivity and management of Human Capital. By making improvements to the processes in these areas and with the use of today's technology, RMS is able to show their clients how to increase productivity and reduce labor costs thus affecting the company's profitability. These cost reduction procedures RMS implements are sustainable for years to come. RMS has been serving their clients since 2000. A California-based Corporation, RMS ( has a solid record of accomplishment. It has gained the reputation of doing whatever it takes to ensure projects are successful. RMS has helped companies with up to 45,000 employees successfully implement ERP and Workforce Management Technology solutions in a timely cost effective manner. Call one of our offices today and see why people call RMS "the missing piece" to their projects. RMS looks forward to serving you soon.


NAME: Scott Siderman

PHONE: 866-361-1704 ext. 708

# # #

Contact Information Scott Siderman


Medisoft Clinical EHR Software to Be Funded By New Economic Stimulus Plan

Medisoft Clinical EHR Software to Be Funded By New Economic Stimulus Plan

The economic stimulus plan signed by President Obama includes funding for the long awaited EMR software (also called EHR Software) (electronic medical records software, or electronic health record) for doctor's offices and can result in better patient care and treatment.

(PRWEB) February 28, 2009 -- Doctors wondered when the time would come that EMR software ( would bring their offices into the future. They suspected the government would pay for it and many have not purchased the software due to this. Today they found out that indeed the government will begin footing the bill for this state of the art Medisoft Clinical EHR software (

Congress passed the stimulus package which is one of the largest ever. Over $20 billion is included in the form of grants and loans as well as other incentives to spur health care into the future by paying for the latest technology. This will be a large boon to the health care industry by providing doctor's offices and clinics with the software that will allow one click access to patient information. is an affiliate of Selent & Associates, Inc. Founded in 1989, this Port Charlotte, Florida company started as a general business services company. However, due to the vast background in health care related services, the company changed their focus to serve medical and physician offices and health care. Members of the Charlotte County, Florida Chamber of Commerce since 1988, this is a company that has committed to making the area of medical records a simpler process for health care providers. is a leading provider of integrated electronic health records software is thrilled that the health care industry will finally have access to the tools it needs to manage patient's electronic medical records. By providing funding for this crucial system, the health care industry is taking one giant step forward when it comes to the safety and security of the patients who depend on it.

While doctors have waited for this technology to be implemented for years the transition will be much quicker now that the government will be funding up to $64,000 maximum per provider.

The number of Medisoft users that will be affected by this stimulus program is around 80,000 and growing. The new software offered by, called Medisoft Clinical EMR Software (, is designed for 1 -5 doctor practices. With the start of government funding, doctors are being encouraged to call and discuss the setup of this program for their practice and to help determine how much they can get reimbursed. With all the benefits of EHR software such as appointment scheduling, medical billing, prescriptions, lab results and more the safety of the patient is assured using this software more than ever before. Some of the primary benefits of adoption of Electronic Medical Records or EMR Software will be more accurate prescriptions, quicker diagnosis and treatment of patients, and saving of lives.

Harry Selent, President of says "This EHR software ( (Medisoft Clinical) will allow the doctors ultimate access to the patient's medical history and avoid the duplication of tests, medications and treatments. The patient's medications, vital information, documents and all treatments received would be in one place for ease of access by the doctor treating them, and no more problems of reading physician notes and prescriptions."

Excitement is high as this much awaited program is beginning to become more of a reality. invites doctors to contact them to discuss the prospects of this groundbreaking new era in medicine. To find out more about how to make the transition in your practice contact or call them at 888-691-8058 or 941-743-6666.


Contact Information Harry Selent


Friday, February 27, 2009

TalentDrive CEO to Speak at Multiple Engagements during SIA Executive Forum

TalentDrive CEO to Speak at Multiple Engagements during SIA Executive Forum

Staffing Industry's Best and Brightest Meet, Learn and Network

Chicago,IL (PRWEB) February 27, 2009 -- TalentDrive, the creator of the innovative SaaS recruitment tool TalentFilter(SM), is delighted to announce its involvement in the upcoming 2009 Staffing Industry Analysts (SIA) Executive Forum, which will be held in Loews Miami Beach Hotel, March 17th-19th. The Executive Forum is the most prominent annual meeting for CEOs, owners, and senior level executives from all sectors and segments of the staffing industry (

On Tuesday, March 17th, TalentDrive CEO Sean Bisceglia will engage in a small-group discussion table session regarding various strategies and measures on finding success in today's business environment. This discussion table will examine techniques to employ that help successfully sell innovation to corporate HR and examine the paradox of resistance to innovation. Due to its intimacy, the discussion tables have been touted by many to bear some of the most insightful and useful information in all of the Forum.

Two days later TalentDrive's CEO Sean Bisceglia will take part in the Sales, Marketing, and Recruiting panel, with topic discussion: "Selling IT and Professional Staffing: What's Working?". Pioneering ideas and no-nonsense points of view are expected to flow freely in the panel discussion as matters such as specific business strategies, placement of business, effective marketing measures, and more are examined.

"Having an active role in the conference for TalentDrive is an opportunity for us to share our day to day and past experience in the staffing industry as well to absorb constructive knowledge presented from other fellow attendees at this outstanding Forum," Sean Bisceglia, CEO TalentDrive.

About TalentDrive:

TalentDrive has released the industry's most innovative SaaS sourcing solution, TalentFilterSM. Over 55 global companies have helped us develop one of the most easy to use, on-demand, talent sourcing tools on the market. As a subscriber, our recruitment technology sweeps and unifies thousands of paid and free resume databases in one location. TalentFilter(SM) then matches, hierarchies the results, and provides contact through auto scheduling for candidate interviews, chosen by you. In addition, through powerful analytics you are able to manage your ROI for online recruiting. One search, one location, one technology. Thousands of sources. Please visit

Media Contact:

Alissa Gothard





Contact Information Alissa Gothard



Thursday, February 26, 2009

Regent Enterprise Named 2009 CODiE Award Finalist

Regent Enterprise Named 2009 CODiE Award Finalist

Financial aid management solution named second year in a row for Best Postsecondary Enterprise Solution.

Frederick, MD (Vocus) February 26, 2009 -- Regent Education, the leading provider of financial aid management Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions for higher education institutions, today announced that Regent Enterprise has been has been named for the second year in a row as a 2009 CODiE Award Finalist for Best Postsecondary Enterprise Solution.

According to SIIA President Ken Wasch, "The competition is particularly steep this year during the 24th Annual SIIA CODiE Awards, making selection as a CODiE Finalist a real achievement." Wasch further added that "All the companies on this year's list of CODiE Finalists should feel justifiably proud of their accomplishment in making it to this stage, and have much excitement to look forward to regarding the upcoming CODiE Awards voting!"

Through a unique combination of journalist and expert peer review, the CODiE Awards recognize 71 categories of outstanding products and services. This year’s 345 finalists represent an impressive array of technology and business excellence and success. Nearly 190 judges encompassing tech trade journalists, consultants, educators, IT and product specialists, and other knowledgeable, yet neutral, experts have reviewed all of the products entered. Regent Enterprise was chosen from more than 850 nominations submitted by 600 companies.

Regent Enterprise was created as a true on-demand financial aid management solution, enabling institutions to realize a high return on investment and economics of scale. As a SaaS solution, Regent Enterprise supports multi-institutional/multi-campus/multi-Pell processing. The power of Regent Enterprise is its ability to manage a multi-tiered entity with one instance of the product, allowing multi-campus institutions to centralize management and create standards across all campuses. In addition, institutions pay a lower up-front cost, based on their current needs. With Regent Enterprise, as an institution grows its student base, the financial aid solution can grow with it.

“As a CODiE Award Finalist for the second year in a row, Regent Enterprise has repeatedly proven that it is truly a best of breed financial aid solution,” said Michael Ratti, Regent’s CEO. “This recognition highlights the importance of financial aid as a strategic imperative within postsecondary institutions. We are honored once again to be recognized by SIIA.”

The 2009 Codie Awards will be presented at a gala event on May 5, at the historic Palace Hotel in San Francisco, CA.

About Regent

Named Firm of the Year by the Tech Council of Maryland and a 2008 and 2009 CODiE Award Finalist for Best Postsecondary Enterprise Solution, Regent is a leading Software-as-a-Service provider of financial aid management software solutions with more than 30 years of industry experience. The company’s web-based, easy-to-use solutions interoperate with any established student information system. Regent provides institutions with improved efficiencies, fewer errors, and enhanced services for students, equaling a positive return on investment within the first year.

Regent’s management solutions are designed and built by and for members of the financial aid and enrollment management communities. Regent enables institutions to better craft and execute financial aid strategies. With its Student Self Service Portal, the company also offers 21st century access for students seeking financial aid information anytime, anywhere, from any device, in any language. For more information, visit:

About SIIA

The Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) is the principal trade association for the software and digital content industries. SIIA provides global services in government relations, business development, corporate education and intellectual property protection to more than 500 leading software and information companies. For further information, visit


Contact Information Maggie Laabs

Regent Education


Appistry and GoGrid Announce Commercial Availability of Joint Cloud Computing Solution for Delivering Highly Scalable and Reliable Server Applications

Appistry and GoGrid Announce Commercial Availability of Joint Cloud Computing Solution for Delivering Highly Scalable and Reliable Server Applications

Cloud Computing Infrastructure provider GoGrid ( and Cloud Application Platform provider Appistry ( announce the release of Appistry EAF Community Edition within the GoGrid cloudcenter.

San Francisco, CA (Vocus) February 26, 2009 -- GoGrid (, the Cloud Computing division of ServePath (, LLC and Appistry ( today released new tools for developers, architects and administrators designed to ease the pain associated with developing, deploying and managing applications in the Cloud. Appistry's Cloud application platform, named Appistry EAF, helps businesses and enterprises efficiently manage and scale their applications within the GoGrid infrastructure. With this joint solution, larger companies are able to take full advantage of the Cloud's unique value proposition of elastic scalability, solid reliability, automated management and CapEx economies.

Appistry EAF Community Edition 3.9 is now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.1 users. Additional EAF-enabled GoGrid images will be rolling out in the near future. Appistry EAF Community Edition allows developers, system architects and administrators to take advantage of Appistry's Cloud application platform for free on up to five GoGrid Cloud Server instances. Appistry EAF functionality and benefits include:

•    Transparent and instant linear scalability

•    Application-level fault tolerance

•    Broad support for Cloud-enabling software components

•    Adaptive, software-based load balancing

•    Fully-distributed, fault tolerant memory cache for objects and data

•    Fine-grained, hierarchical security model

•    Efficiencies in CapEx and administrator time

•    Ease of use

More information on Appistry EAF can be found at:

"The GoGrid partnership is part of Appistry's strategy to address the complex challenges enterprises face developing, deploying and managing applications in both public and private Clouds," said Sam Charrington, Appistry vice president of product management and arketing. "End-users demand a platform which sits above the infrastructure and allows enterprises to more easily realize its full promise -- elastic scalability, solid reliability and automated management."

The combination of GoGrid's robust and flexible Cloud Computing infrastructure and Appistry's Cloud application platform enables enterprises to capitalize on the inherent advantages of both technologies. GoGrid leads the Cloud infrastructure space with a full assortment of infrastructure capabilities available in the Cloud, including industry standard and best practice implementations of Windows Server 2003 and 2008, Microsoft SQL Server, Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS instances among others, as well as free hardware-based f5 load balancing and hybrid hosting capabilities with Cloud Connect ( which is particularly efficient for complex Microsoft SQL Server databases.

"The GoGrid and Appistry partnership clearly demonstrates our commitment to helping businesses optimize their infrastructure to gain the advantages of Cloud Computing," said GoGrid CEO, John Keagy, adding "Companies would be foolish to not optimize their business and technology strategies using the power of Appistry EAF and GoGrid's Cloud infrastructure."

About GoGrid (

GoGrid is the leading Cloud Computing, hosted, Internet provider that delivers true "Control in the Cloud™" in the form of cloudcenters. GoGrid enables system administrators, developers, IT professionals and SaaS (Software as a Service) vendors to create, deploy, and control load balanced cloud servers and complex hosted virtual server networks with full root access and administrative server control. GoGrid server instances maintain the industry standard specifications with no requirement to learn and adapt to propriety standards. Bringing up servers and server networks takes minutes via a unique web control panel or GoGrid's award winning API. GoGrid delivers portal controlled servers for Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, SQL Server, ASP.NET, multiple Linux operating systems (Red Hat Enterprise and CentOS) and supports application environments like Ruby on Rails. Free f5 hardware load balancing and other features are included to give users the control of a familiar datacenter environment with the flexibility and immediate scalability of the cloud, a "cloudcenter." GoGrid won the coveted 2008 LinuxWorld Expo's Best of Show award.

About ServePath (

ServePath, a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, is the leading managed and dedicated hosted server provider, delivering custom solutions and managed services to businesses that require powerful Internet hosting platforms for their production environments. Thousands of companies worldwide look to ServePath for its reliability, customization, and speed. ServePath has a Keynote-rated A+ network and guarantees uptime with a 10,000% guaranteed™ Service Level Agreement. The employee-owned company has been in business for nine years and operates its own San Francisco data center and is SAS70 Type II certified.

About Appistry ( :

Appistry simplifies cloud computing for the enterprise, opening the door to more agile and scalable IT environments. Appistry's application platform delivers solutions for the complex challenges of building, deploying and managing a wide variety of applications and services for both public and private clouds. Appistry's products are designed specifically for cloud environments, delivering transparent scalability, application-level fault tolerance, and automated management to new and existing applications. Appistry customers include FedEx, GeoEye, Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman. For more information about Appistry, please visit


Contact Information Michael Sheehan



Harris Loeser



Druvaa inSync Laptop Backup 3.0 Beta - Adds Search, Speed and Bare Metal Restore

Druvaa inSync Laptop Backup 3.0 Beta - Adds Search, Speed and Bare Metal Restore

Druvaa announced the general availability of long awaited inSync enterprise laptop backup v3 beta on Windows platform. The beta release adds features like search, bare-metal restore and performance improvements.

Sunnyvale, Calif. (PRWEB) February 26, 2009 -- Druvaa ( is one of the fastest growing company in enterprise storage and backup domain. The flagship product Druvaa inSync is fully automated laptop backup software which protects corporate data for office and remote users. It features simple backup, point-in-time restores, and patent-pending deduplication technology to make backups much faster.

The new beta includes the following features -

1. Full PC Backup (with data deduplication)

2. Bare Metal Restore

3. Search functionality in restore

4. Performance improvements for large files (e.g. Outlook PST)

5. Usability Improvements

Find our more about beta and download a free copy from -

Over 80% of corporate data is duplicated across users. Druvaa inSync uses data deduplication to save "only a single copy" of content (emails/docs) duplicated across users. This delivers 10X faster backup with 90% reduction in bandwidth and storage.

The product uses Continuous Data Protection to create near-infinite restore points. On restore the user sees a timeline view of data and can restore from any point in the past.

Key Product highlights includes -

1. Data Deduplication - Saves 90% backup time, bandwidth and storage.

2. Continuous Data Protection - Timeline based, from the past restore

3. Backup for Remote Users - WAN Optimization for faster backups for remote users over WAN/VPN

4. Security - 256 bit SSL and 256 bit AES encryption

5. On-demand Restore - GUI and browser based restores from any point in the past

6. Advanced Reporting - Six different reporting options for flexible and detailed reporting

Product Page -

About Druvaa

Founded in 2007, Druvaa Software is a leading provider of Continuous Data Protection and Disaster Recovery solutions. Since inception Druvaa has released two award wining products products - Druvaa inSync and Druvaa Phoenix. Druvaa is privately held and backed by Indian Angel Network (IAN) and Accord International (HK).

Corporate Website -


Contact Information Jaspreet Singh

Druvaa Software

+1 408-916-1659

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

In Email We Trust: L-Soft's LISTSERV(R) Maestro 4.0 Released Today

In Email We Trust: L-Soft's LISTSERV(R) Maestro 4.0 Released Today

Upgrade of email marketing software advances permission-based targeting, tracking and analytics.

Landover, MD (PRWEB) February 25, 2009 -- Trust, permission and relevance in email marketing are more critical than ever because of the current economic downturn and today's cautious customers. L-Soft today unveiled LISTSERV Maestro 4.0, bolstering email marketers' and communicators' efforts to nurture trust and raise conversions through the strongest permission-based email targeting and data gathering technology on the market.

"Call it a challenge, call it an opportunity - for anyone wanting to make the most of email communication in today's economy, success comes down to setting yourself apart with relevant, meaningful communication that strengthens your brand and increases subscriber loyalty," said Outi Tuomaala, Executive Vice President, L-Soft. "LISTSERV Maestro is not just for traditional email marketers. Whether you're a company targeting a special regional offer to customers, a university reaching out to alumni around the globe or an association sending a member newsletter, you need to keep permission, targeting and data mining in focus to ensure that you're using your resources wisely and getting the best

results, all while building subscribers' trust."

The ability to ask subscribers for personal tracking permission garners recipients' trust. With LISTSERV Maestro 4.0, organizations can send the same mailing to a mixed group of recipients. The job will include personal tracking data - providing identifiable information about an individual subscriber's interaction with a message, such as open-ups and click-through events - for recipients who have given such permission while generating unique or non-identifiable tracking data for other recipients. Subscribers who have given personal tracking permission can receive the benefit of highly customized information and offers based upon their profiles, preferences and previous choices - for example, recommended book titles or continuing education courses.

In addition, the newest version of LISTSERV Maestro gives email communicators a higher level of fine-tuning in targeting and data definition. The software has the ability to dynamically tailor subscribers' choices to fit their needs, displaying only those options

that are available based on previous selections. For example, if senders target different special offers to specific regions, they can create fields that display the offers available in the region where each individual subscriber lives.

The data mining benefits in LISTSERV Maestro include advanced action tracking, from which senders can gain deeper insight into the impact of their email campaigns by learning the results of subscriber actions that go beyond the links in the email messages to track page visits and viral marketing activities occurring after the message is viewed.

Additional new key features in LISTSERV Maestro 4.0 include quick and easy report creation and database integration, target groups based on datasets, demographic reporting, system metrics and a job journal console.

LISTSERV Maestro is the only email marketing solution built on the legendary LISTSERV® software. LISTSERV Maestro is available for Windows, Unix (Linux; Solaris) and Mac OS X operating systems.

To learn more about LISTSERV Maestro, visit:

LISTSERV Maestro Product Information:

LISTSERV Maestro 4.0 Highlights:

LISTSERV Maestro Flash Demo:

About L-Soft

L-Soft, which was incorporated in 1994, offers email list and opt-in email marketing software and hosting services for managing email newsletters, discussion groups and marketing campaigns. L-Soft's pioneering LISTSERV® email list management software products serve more than 100 million list subscriptions. L-Soft celebrates its 15th anniversary in 2009.


Susan Brown Faghani




Contact Information SUSAN BROWN FAGHANI



ExtenXLS 7 All-Java Spreadsheet SDK Now with Excel 2007 Support

ExtenXLS 7 All-Java Spreadsheet SDK Now with Excel 2007 Support

Extentech today released ExtenXLS 7.0, Java Spreadsheet SDK now with Excel 2007 (XLSX & Office Open XML/OOXML) support. ExtenXLS 7 provides advanced capabilities to Java applications requiring spreadsheet functionality with best-of-breed Excel compatibility. By giving developers support for the latest office file formats, ExtenXLS ensures forward and backward compatibility for important Java spreadsheet applications.

San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) February 25, 2009 -- Extentech today released ExtenXLS 7.0 Java spreadsheet SDK now with Excel 2007 (XLSX & Office Open XML/OOXML) support.

ExtenXLS 7 provides advanced capabilities to Java applications requiring spreadsheet functionality with best-of-breed Excel compatibility. By giving developers support for the latest office file formats, ExtenXLS ensures forward and backward compatibility for important Java spreadsheet applications.

Trusted by hundreds of companies worldwide for over seven-years, ExtenXLS is the Java spreadsheet SDK of choice for companies such as the Nielsen Corporation, Infoteria Corporation, and AT&T.

Organizations looking for cost-savings and efficiency can save significant developer hours and cut down on the emailing of spreadsheets by reusing them in business applications. Mapping data to spreadsheet templates and reporting allows for flexible analysis and business intelligence that anyone can use. Re-using business logic in spreadsheets has been shown to increase developer productivity by eliminating coding and decreasing mistakes in translating spreadsheet formulas to custom Java code.

Extentech CEO, John McMahon states, "For our customers, being able to read and write Excel 2007 files in Java represents a significant ROI. Our goal is to provide our customers with total Excel compatibility and spreadsheet functionality in a supported 100% Java class library. Spreadsheets are the most critical and widely used business tool, and Java is the premiere business technology platform. ExtenXLS brings these two powerful forces together by giving Java developers the power of the spreadsheet as a reporting and analysis tool, calculation engine, and server logic repository. With built-in Web 2.0 capabilities such as integration with and ExtenXLS 360 Spreadsheet Server, ExtenXLS is a 21st-Century spreadsheet development tool for serious developers demonstrating value in a tough economy."

ExtenXLS 7.0 gives Java programmers complete control. With a single line of code, developers can create spreadsheets from scratch, insert cells, numbers, formulas, charts, images, named ranges, hyperlinks, and dates. The SDK can output in a variety of formats, including XLS, XLSX, JSON, HTML, XMLS, and features innovative new functionality such as automated generation of data mapped spreadsheets.

ExtenXLS 7 is available immediately as a free thirty-day evaluation download at: Pricing starts at $1995 per server including a year of unlimited email support and all upgrades.

About Extentech, Inc.:

Extentech, Inc., headquartered in San Francisco CA., is a leading developer of Java integration and spreadsheet tools that help corporate decision makers, developers, and business users maximize ROI by leveraging spreadsheets and Web 2.0 technologies. Founded in 1999, Extentech Inc. provides state-of-the-art spreadsheet automation, integration and business intelligence tools for IBM, JPMorgan, Accenture, Toyota, and hundreds of companies worldwide.

For more information, visit:


Contact Information Colette Turbeville

Extentech Inc.


Serious Materials Goes Live with WTS Paradigm Fenestration Software Solutions; Aggressive System Rollout Show Adaptability, Efficiency

Serious Materials Goes Live with WTS Paradigm Fenestration Software Solutions; Aggressive System Rollout Show Adaptability, Efficiency

WTS Paradigm, the leader in window and door manufacturing software, announced today that Serious Materials, a top player in the building industry known for their green construction products, has recently gone live in January with CenterPoint, WTS Paradigm's order-entry and quoting software. Serious Materials chose WTS Paradigm's software solutions to serve as their strategic partner for their ERP system and to help expand their efforts to increase sales and efficiency in the fenestration industry.

Middleton, WI (PRWEB) February 25, 2009 -- WTS Paradigm, the leader in window and door manufacturing software, announced today that Serious Materials, a top player in the building industry known for their green construction products, has recently gone live in January with CenterPoint, WTS Paradigm's order-entry and quoting software. Serious Materials chose WTS Paradigm's software solutions to serve as their strategic partner for their ERP system and to help expand their efforts to increase sales and efficiency in the fenestration industry.

To meet Serious Materials' growth in their SeriousWindows line, they challenged WTS Paradigm with an extremely aggressive software rollout timeline of only three months. WTS Paradigm and Serious Materials started the CenterPoint software implementation process in early September of 2008.

"The WTS/Serious Materials rollout of WTS Paradigm was promised and delivered on-time. The software is working well. It has enabled my sales team to increase their productivity significantly, and we have received very positive feedback from our dealer customers," said Ian Sullivan, Vice President and General Manager - Windows Division for Serious Materials.

CenterPoint went live internally at Serious Materials on January 5. Within two weeks, CenterPoint was rolled out to Serious Materials' dealers.

"We pride ourselves on our ability to meet all of our customers' needs," said Nathan Herbst, President of WTS Paradigm. "This partnership shows not only our adaptability but also our commitment to the success of each of our customers and our vested interest in improving efficiency and workflow across the industry."

Windows are the biggest source of heating and cooling energy loss in homes. 39% of all greenhouse gas emissions are tied to building operations, with 38% of that for heating and cooling. Up to 40% of that energy - and cost - literally goes out the window. Serious Materials with their SeriousWindows deliver true, full-frame window performance from R-5 to R-11, dramatically reducing the impact of the 'built environment' on the climate, exceeding current (and future) Energy Star requirements as well as contributing points toward LEED certifications.

About WTS Paradigm

WTS Paradigm(R) has grown into an industry leader in the window and door software industry. They have developed the most advanced software for the window and door industry and their technology solution has gained acceptance across all sizes and types of window and door manufacturers. The core of WTS Paradigm software is CenterPoint and the product Configurator, which is used for quoting, ordering, and eventually leads into their manufacturing software solution, MasterPoint. For more information, visit

About Serious Materials

Serious Materials develops and manufactures sustainable green building materials that save energy, save money, improve comfort and aggressively address climate change. The company was voted #1 at Cleantech Forum XII, won Global Gypsum Product of the Year 2008, won the first Aspen Institute award for innovation in Energy Conservation and was awarded Green Product of the Year by Popular Science. It has also been recognized by TIME/CNN, Fortune, Business Week, AlwaysOn and Red Herring as one of the top green technology companies. Serious Windows and Glass reduce heating and cooling energy costs by up to 49% and improve occupant comfort. QuietRock® soundproof drywall and QuietHome Windows® reduce material use, enhance livability, and support dense sustainable urban construction. And EcoRock™ uses 80% less energy in its core production and has the potential to save billions of pounds of CO2 annually making it the only true green alternative to gypsum drywall and five times more environmentally friendly. The company is working to create thousands of cleantech jobs here in the U.S. For more information visit


Contact Information Nathan Herbst


Amber Mau

WTS Paradigm


Unison™ Extends Free Unified Communications to Ubuntu

Unison™ Extends Free Unified Communications to Ubuntu

Commercial release of Unison Server™ and Unison Desktop™ for Ubuntu will challenge Microsoft Exchange and unified communications franchises with more powerful Linux alternative.

New York, NY (Vocus) February 25, 2009 -- Unison™ unified communications, the world's first free enterprise software, has released a Linux version of its software in addition to the Windows version. Now out of beta, Unison Desktop for Ubuntu will challenge Microsoft's Outlook/Exchange and communications franchise with a more powerful - yet free - alternative. Unison Technologies also released a production version of Unison Server for Ubuntu, in addition to the existing version for Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS.

Because Unison for Ubuntu combines all communication - telephone, voicemail, e-mail, IM and more - into a single server and desktop client, it gives millions of SMBs worldwide the option of a 'Microsoft-free desktop'.

Aimed at small and medium businesses with up to 2000 staff, Unison gives users even more power than traditional e-mail and groupware tools like Exchange or Domino, but at zero cost, thanks to the new advertising-supported version. It is available as a free download at

"We are excited to expand unified communications to Ubuntu users at zero cost," said Rurik Bradbury, CMO of Unison Technologies. "Instead of deploying the Windows version of Unison Desktop, companies can run the client on Ubuntu, which is just as powerful, yet far less costly than overpriced traditional software such as Microsoft Windows and Outlook."

Unison is a complete replacement for both PBX systems and legacy e-mail servers like Microsoft Exchange or Lotus Domino. Unison Server integrates a powerful IP-PBX system together with a messaging server. This allows it to power e-mail, instant messaging and real-time presence (free/busy status) alongside telephony, with connections to IP telephones, desktop softphones, mobile devices and traditional telephone lines - all from a single system.

Any organization can now download the free or paid edition - either for Linux or Windows - at, and deploy it without needing to buy licenses.

About Unison and Unison Technologies

Unison unified communications is the world's first free enterprise software. Combining telephony, e-mail, instant messaging and collaboration in a single Linux server and single Windows or Linux desktop client, Unison allows companies to work more quickly and intelligently. By bringing all communication into a single platform, supported by sponsors and free of charge, Unison makes unified communications attainable for millions of businesses worldwide.

Unison Technologies is the developer of Unison™, the world's first fully-unified communications system. A privately held company, Unison Technologies is headquartered in New York, with additional offices in Boston and St Petersburg, Russia. More information is available at


Contact Information Pamela Block

Bite Communications

+1 212 857 9384

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Maestro Resort Technology Helps Four Diamond Luxury Sorrel River Ranch and Spa Deliver Guests' Dreams Come True

Maestro Resort Technology Helps Four Diamond Luxury Sorrel River Ranch and Spa Deliver Guests' Dreams Come True

Sorrel River Ranch Resort and Spa uses Maestro PMS to attract guest from around the world with online marketing and on-property personalized world class service.

Markham, ON (Vocus) February 24, 2009 -- In 2008 a New Yorker fell in love with the Southwest's best kept secret, Sorrel River Ranch Resort and Spa. When the opportunity to purchase the property presented itself, and Elizabeth Rad saw a perfect opportunity to expand her real estate portfolio, but most of all she hoped to develop a destination resort that allows people to have memories and experiences they never forget. Elizabeth loved the resort the moment she arrived, especially its location and the surrounding area of dramatic vertical stone geology and open skies. Stephanie Rad, asset manager for the Sorrel River Ranch Resort and Spa, said, "There is nothing more rewarding than providing people with dream vacations and having fun doing it."

Easy Online Booking Maximizes Revenue Around the Clock

"One thing that made it easier to take ownership was the Resort's Maestro Property Management System from NORTHWIND-Maestro PMS (, provider of Maestro (™ Enterprise Property Management hotel software ( and reservation software ( solutions for the hospitality industry, that was already doing a great job of automating the operation with reservations, Front Office and a robust CRM module that enabled us to access the records of past guests to begin more effective marketing and provide personalized service."

"The local people make everyone feel comfortable, it is a Western ethic, a lifestyle we give guests on their vacations," Ms. Rad said. "The Maestro support and training team fit right in - they worked very hard teaching our team to ensure we were getting the most from our system and maximizing our online business from their ResEze Web booking engine." The Resort's guests mix includes travelers from Europe, the Asia Pacific market and nearby states. "What I value about ResEze is its ability to drive revenue from international business around the clock," explained Rad. "Even non-English travelers can understand Maestro's ResEze online booking screens and reserve their vacations with us."

Guests Can Self-Serve Anywhere, Anytime

Sorrel River Ranch just completed a total modernization of its hardware platform to implement a leading edge wireless communications network. The project was handled by New York-based Diatian, Inc., a tech provider the owners had used before. "Maestro's robust technology flexible enough so our staff, who carry hand-held wireless devices, can serve guests anywhere on the property," said Rad. "With handheld units our concierge staff, which we call our Guest Experience Team, can access guest records, preferences and schedules in Maestro to provide much more personal service than if they had to use cell phones." Rad said her staff keeps each guest's activity schedule in the Maestro CRM system and prints out an itinerary of the next day's events for each person and place it on their pillow in the evening.

Diamond Plus 24/7 Support & Training Essential to Productivity

Since Sorrel River Resort is in a remote location, skilled support and training are essential. "We rely on Maestro's online training teams and phone support to keep our staff well versed in the system's features so they we are as productive and efficient," Rad said. "Maestro offers online webinar training for all its modules and we can also call a professional system training specialist 24 hours a day if needed. Their support has made a very positive difference to our operation."

Sorrel River Resort's guest service goal is short and elegant: "We provide seamless ability for our guests to experience anything they could possibly want and aid them in experiencing the ones they could never even have dreamed." Ms. Rad is happy to be operating such a unique property. "I frequently get letters from our guests thanking us for the best vacation of their lives. This is why we are in business here in Utah."

About the Sorrel River Ranch Resort and Spa

As Utah's only Small Luxury Hotel® and the sole AAA Four-Diamond rated resort in Moab, Sorrel River Ranch provides leisure and adventure travelers with an exquisite base from which to explore the Southwest's natural landscapes. Activities such as river rafting, mountain biking, and hiking in Utah's National Parks ensure adventures for every interest. Travelers agree that Moab's finest hotel, Sorrel River Ranch Resort & Spa, brings luxury accommodations to a world-class adventure destination!

Maestro Property Management Solution

Enhance guest service, improve efficiency and maximize online and offline revenue with Maestro PMS, the industry's most robust and flexible solution empowering leading full-service hotels, luxury resorts, multi-property groups, conference centers, condominiums and timeshare properties. Solutions include Front Office (PMS), Accounts Receivable, Analytics and Business Intelligence, Sales and Catering, Multi-Property Management, Condo & Timeshare Owner Management with Web Functionality, Spa and Activities, Web Booking Engine, Real-Time Yield Management, Dynamic Packaging Golf CRM, Guest Experience Measurement, CRO, GDS Two-Way XML Connectivity or Integration, Membership, Work Orders, Fine Dining and Retail POS, Online Table Reservations with Web Booking, Concierge and Guest Experience Measurement. The Maestro PMS is database independent (ODBC Compliant) and may be deployed via Windows, UNIX, Linux, Terminal Services, hosted and Web platforms.

About NORTHWIND - Maestro PMS

NORTHWIND ( is recognized in the hospitality industry for its "standard setting" Diamond Plus Service and robust integrated Maestro technology. With over 30 years of experience dedicated to developing technology solutions for the hospitality industry, NORTHWIND is a partner who understands that you need a scalable and flexible PMS that works the way you do. Maestro applications are engineered for operators who need to manage their enterprise in a real-time environment for the utmost operational efficiency, productivity, control and profitability.


NORTHWIND - Maestro PMS, North America

Ivana Johnston - Sales & Marketing

8300 Woodbine Avenue, 5th floor

Markham, ON L3R 9Y7

Phone: 905.940.1923

Toll Free: 1-888-667-8488

Email: info(

Sorrel River Ranch Resort and Spa

Stephanie Rad - Asset Manager

HC 64 Box 4002

Moab, Utah 84532

Phone: Toll Free: 877-359-2715

Email: stay(at)

Media Contact:

Julie Keyser-Squires, APR

Softscribe Inc.

180 River Springs Drive NW

Atlanta, GA 30328

Phone: (404)256-5512

Email: Julie(at)softscribeinc(dot)com


Contact Information Ivana Johnston



Monday, February 23, 2009

Neoris EMEA to Resell AuthenWare Biometric Security Solution

Neoris EMEA to Resell AuthenWare Biometric Security Solution

Global Business and IT Consulting Company to Distribute and Deploy AuthenTest in EMEA

Miami, Florida (PRWEB) February 23, 2009 -- AuthenWare®, the leader in keystroke biometrics ( software, today announced that it has entered into an agreement with Neoris (, allowing it to resell AuthenWare's patent-pending AuthenTest® software. Neoris is a global business and IT consulting company that specializes in nearshore outsourcing, value-added consulting, and emerging technologies.

"We chose to resell AuthenTest because we found it to be simply the best non-intrusive keystroke biometrics solution on the market," said Marcos de Pedro, General Manager, at Neoris. "The product delivers unparalleled levels of security and is easy to implement, making it a very cost-effective for our customers."

The agreement allows Neoris EMEA to resell AuthenTest to customers and prospects located in the European countries of Spain, Portugal, Hungary, as well as in the Middle East and Africa.

AuthenTest offers a radically different approach towards handling security by not only securing information access through keystroke biometrics, but also by rendering any stolen credentials useless. It accomplishes this through a proprietary protocol that creates and maintains a unique personal security pattern for each user every time that he or she enters data using the keyboard (for example, their user name and password). By doing so, AuthenTest delivers the highest levels of security to companies at a very low cost and minimal effort.

"We are proud that Neoris is representing AuthenWare," said Tom Helou (, president & COO, AuthenWare. "Our unique approach towards keystroke biometrics protects companies of all sizes against any unauthorized access to their sensitive data, rendering any attack virtually useless."

About Neoris

Neoris is a global business and IT consulting company that specializes in nearshore outsourcing, value-added consulting, and emerging technologies. Neoris offers systems integration, custom application development, IT consulting, and software deployment and support solutions. The company is a leading provider of nearshore outsourcing services through a global delivery model leveraging six worldwide software development centers. In 2008, Neoris was ranked among the Top 10 Best Performing IT Service Providers in the Global Services 100. Headquartered in Miami, Florida, Neoris has operations in the US, Europe, Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East. For more information, visit

About AuthenWare

AuthenWare ( is the world's leading provider of keystroke biometrics software. Our patent-pending product, AuthenTest (®, enables organizations to deliver the highest levels of security to their enterprise applications, website, and any other form of transaction that engages a software artifact. It creates and maintains a unique personal security pattern for each user every time that he or she enters data using the keyboard (for example, their user name and password).

Using the unique personal security pattern, AuthenTest® can easily determine if the user is the actual owner of the credentials, or an imposter, and allow or deny access accordingly, even if the correct credentials are supplied. AuthenWare's customers include some of the largest, most successful companies in the world, spanning a wide variety of industries including the financial services, government, transportation & logistics, manufacturing, retail, services and technology sectors. For more information, visit


Contact Information Tom Helou

AuthenWare Corp.


Tasktop Guarantees Productivity Gains for Eclipse Developers -- Eclipse Mylyn-based Tasktop Pro Now Backed by Unique 100% Guarantee

Tasktop Guarantees Productivity Gains for Eclipse Developers -- Eclipse Mylyn-based Tasktop Pro Now Backed by Unique 100% Guarantee

Tasktop Technologies, the company behind the popular Eclipse Mylyn open source task management software, announced a unique 100% money-back guarantee for Tasktop Pro users. Tasktop Pro is the company's full-featured product for software developers based on Eclipse Mylyn. Dr. Mik Kersten, CEO of Tasktop Technologies, said "I've always been fascinated by the way that software tools can transform our ability to work, so it's exciting for Tasktop to be offering the first productivity promise of this sort."

Vancouver, Canada (PRWEB) February 23, 2009 -- Tasktop Technologies (, the company behind the popular Eclipse Mylyn ( open source task management software, announced a unique 100% money-back guarantee for Tasktop Pro users. Tasktop Pro is the company's full-featured product for software developers based on Eclipse Mylyn. The unique guarantee refunds the full purchase price for any developer who is not satisfied that Tasktop Pro has significantly improved their productivity. Dr. Mik Kersten, CEO of Tasktop Technologies, said "I've always been fascinated by the way that software tools can transform our ability to work, so it's exciting for Tasktop to be offering the first productivity promise of this sort."

Dr. Kersten explained that the task-focused interface technology in Tasktop Pro has been validated through a peer-reviewed study that demonstrated developers using the technology coded more and clicked less, getting more done. These results are further backed by industry-standard metrics from open source projects, which indicate that productivity gains of 2x or more can be attained. "In these tough economic times, we are all being asked to do more with less, which means that we need to increase productivity. Tasktop Pro now offers a proven and guaranteed way to boost productivity in a dramatic way," Dr. Kersten said.

At the most recent W-JAX Conference in Munich, Germany, Dr. Kersten delivered a keynote presentation that addressed the large gap in developer productivity. In the keynote, titled "Redefining the 'I' of the IDE", Dr. Kersten examines the effect that tools have had on programming productivity and explains how the novel task-focused interface enables the experience of using the IDE to be re-aligned around the user. A combined video and slideshow presentation of the keynote is available at

Tasktop is a commercial product built on the open source Eclipse Mylyn project, which has approximately 500,000 users and recently exceeded one million downloads in just one month via Eclipse distributions. Tasktop provides integrated desktop access to popular team bug and issue tracking systems such as Atlassian JIRA (, CollabNet (, Rally ( and Bugzilla. As developers work on bugs and issues, Tasktop tracks and shows only the relevant code, documents and web pages. This dramatically reduces time spent searching and scrolling while enabling one-click multitasking and automatic time tracking.

The latest release of Tasktop Pro is available for download now for $99.00 from the company website. A free 30-day trial is also available for developers looking to test drive the latest in task-focused interface technology. See the Tasktop Guarantee ( for complete details about the productivity guarantee for Tasktop Pro.

About Tasktop Technologies

Tasktop Technologies created the revolutionary task-focused interface and the popular Eclipse Mylyn tool currently used by hundreds of thousands of programmers. The Tasktop line of products extends the productivity benefits of Mylyn to a developer's entire workday. Tasktop Technologies also offers training and consulting services to the growing number of companies adopting the task-focused paradigm and tools. Key Tasktop partners include SpringSource, Atlassian, Rally and CollabNet.

# # #

Contact Information Wesley Coelho

Tasktop Technologies

778 588-6896

Bycast StorageGRID� Selected by Hawaii Pacific Health

Bycast StorageGRID® Selected by Hawaii Pacific Health

Multi-island health provider standardizes on Bycast to store & protect images.

Vancouver, BC (PRWEB) February 23, 2009 -- Bycast Inc., the leading provider of advanced storage virtualization software for large-scale digital archives, today announced that Hawaii Pacific Health (HPH) has standardized on Bycast® StorageGRID® software to store and protect images in its multi-facility medical image storage system.

HPH, Hawaii's largest Integrated Delivery Network conducts imaging procedures at five facilities located on two islands, Oahu and Kauai. The main data center is located in a sixth location on Oahu. The health provider's requirement for long term storage and protection of mission critical medical image data in this multi-facility environment presented it with a number of issues. HPH faced operational challenges to cost-effectively manage its exponentially growing data volumes and ensure high availability across the multiple hospitals, while taking into consideration inter-island network and IT resource limitations.

To meet the needs of this demanding environment, Hawaii Pacific Health has deployed Bycast StorageGRID software to create a flexible multi-tiered storage hierarchy spanning Hawaii Pacific Health's data center and hospitals. StorageGRID intelligently manages the off-site data replication, data movement, and data placement across multiple sites and storage tiers to ensure the most relevant data is placed where needed. While improving the overall storage utilization and efficiency, the solution eliminates the need for manual backup. To achieve the highest levels of availability, HPH also deployed the Bycast High Availability Gateway Cluster module at each of the 4 hospitals and Women's Center.

"We evaluated numerous options and only this solution delivered the storage scalability, high availability and data integrity capabilities that were critical to our situation," said Micah Ewing of Hawaii Pacific Health. "Furthermore, we reduced our primary storage and backup costs by ~50% by optimizing our storage utilization with the storage management capabilities unique to this system."

"We are pleased that Hawaii Pacific Health has been able to address their multi-site requirements by deploying a single enterprise-wide grid-based solution that has also cost-effectively leveraged existing storage investments," said Dave Gibbon, Director of Strategic Accounts at Bycast. "Beyond the IT benefits, the solution will facilitate enhanced delivery of care by Hawaii Pacific Health clinicians both now and into the future."

About Hawaii Pacific Health: Hawaii Pacific Health is a non-profit healthcare organization formed with the merger of three longtime Hawaii health systems, Wilcox Health, Kapi'olani Health, and Straub Clinic & Hospital. Hawaii Pacific Health is the state's largest healthcare system, with a network of four hospitals, 18 outpatient centers, and 1,100 physicians on four islands. In addition to providing care on Oahu, Kauai, Lanai and the Big Island, it also cares for patients and visitors throughout the state and the Pacific Region.

About Bycast: Bycast is the leading provider of storage virtualization software for large-scale digital archives. For organizations whose business depends on access to mission-critical data and images, Bycast protects and preserves digital assets over their lifetime. Bycast software enables organizations to optimize their storage infrastructure and ensure the integrity and availability of their valuable data. Bycast StorageGRID enables the formation of archives that can scale to petabytes of data across hundreds of sites. StorageGRID is sold globally through OEM relationships with two of the world's major storage vendors and is compatible with all leading PACS. It currently has hundreds of installations in over 18 countries worldwide. Bycast Inc. is a privately held company headquartered in Vancouver, BC. To learn more about the company and its solutions, visit

Media Contacts

Annette Saliken                            

Director, Marketing Communications

Bycast Inc.

Tel.: (604) 692-3083


Contact Information Annette Saliken

Bycast Inc.


ICS Mobile Announces iTag Live Lite Game Available on Apple App Store

ICS Mobile Announces iTag Live Lite Game Available on Apple App Store

ICS Mobile INC, a mobile application developer focusing on server-based mobile applications releases today on the App Store the first "Real-Time Live Action First Person Shooter" game application entitled "iTag Live".

Santa Monica, CA (PRWEB) February 23, 2009 -- ICS Mobile INC (, a mobile application developer, today announced its "iTag Live Lite" game is now available on the Apple App Store. The game utilizes the iPhone's camera to enable players to 'tag' members of an opposing team. Players use the address book to invite gamers to iTag Live sessions, an embedded radio communications tab allows players to strategize together in real-time and a location-based radar emulation feature lets players locate other gamers within a mile radius.

"With iTag we are using the revolutionary iPhone to deliver a virtually endless playing field," said Joe Bayen, CEO at ICS Mobile. "In a sense, not only are we bringing to gamers a unique First Person Shooter experience but we're also adding a fitness component to the gameplay since gamers will most likely need to stay mobile to avoid being tagged."

iTag Live comes complete with a riveting background soundtrack and an intense, fast-paced atmosphere amplifies the realism of the action. A voice assistant heightens the full First Person Shooter (FPS) experience, providing players with live game status as well as a vast array of alerts and warning notifications. ITag Live completes the full "FPS" gameplay experience by providing players with complete endgame statistics.

iTag Live is available free from Apple's App Store on iPhone or get it on iTunes: iTag Live Lite (

Tutorial videos are available here: iTag Live Tutorials (

ICS Mobile is planning to release several innovative gaming applications throughout 2009. In the third quarter of 2009 ICS Mobile will release the dates for the University iTag Regional Contests which will lead to the first annual iTag Championship. For additional information feel free to contact ICS Mobile at: press @ icsmobile . com

About ICS Mobile Inc,:

Located in Santa Monica, California, ICS Mobile develops location-based mobile applications and server-based multi-user applications aimed at facilitating mobile user interactions across a wide variety of mobile platforms.


Contact Information Jennifer Collins

ICS Mobile Inc,


Friday, February 20, 2009

First Consona China User Conference Successfully Held in Shanghai

First Consona China User Conference Successfully Held in Shanghai

Conference Allows Customers to Share Best Practices and Participate in Launch of Consona’s Award-Winning Services Model.

Shanghai, China (Vocus) February 20, 2009 -— Consona Corporation, a worldwide leader in providing customer relationship management (CRM) ( and enterprise resource planning (ERP) software ( and services for companies of all sizes, announced today its first Chinese customer User Conference, held at the St. Regis Hotel in Shanghai, China.

Consona’s Intuitive ERP and Cimnet Systems solutions have been used by Chinese manufacturers for over 10 years. Recent growth through acquisition ( has expanded Consona’s presence in China, with the goal being to better serve and give direct localized support to its existing Chinese customers. The success of this first user conference is one example of Consona’s continued commitment to the strategy.

“Our recent expansion in China directly mirrors the business direction of our customers,” said Scott Malia, general manager of Consona ERP. “The conference was an exciting way to validate our commitment to the Chinese market, as well as get feedback from the leading companies using our solutions.“

At the conference, Consona introduced its award-winning service and support infrastructure and resources to its China-based customers, including the introduction and availability of Consona’s Expert Web site, Consona’s premier customer portal and four-time winner of the Association of Support Professional’s “Top Ten Best Web Support Sites” award (

Consona also honored several customers while at the conference for their proven success using Consona’s family of solutions. Winners of the conference’s “Advanced Application/Best Industry Application” award included:API Heat Transfer(Suzhou) Co., Ltd., LCR Electronic (KunShan) Co.,Ltd , Callidus Technologies (Shanghai), HaiBo Precision, Wu Han Zheng Yuan Railway Electric Co. Ltd., Valeo Interior Controls (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd., Uniwell, Founder, AT&S, and King Brother PCB Technology Co. Ltd.

Winners of the conference’s “Best Overall Use” award included John Deere Tiantuo Company Ltd. And Viasystem Group Inc.

About Consona Corporation

Consona Corporation (Consona, formerly known as M2M Holdings Inc.) is a worldwide leader in providing customer relationship management (CRM) ( and enterprise resource planning (ERP) ( software and services for companies of all sizes. Consona is dedicated to becoming a valued business partner by helping each and every customer continuously improve business processes over time. Toward this mission, Consona invests in the people, processes, technology and tools needed to provide its customers with a unique combination of customer care; product fit; a broad range of consulting, IT and business services; and industry expertise. Consona serves more than 4,500 customers worldwide and across a variety of industries, including manufacturing, distribution, financial services, health care, high tech, and local government. Battery Ventures and Thoma Bravo jointly own Consona. For further information, visit, call (888) 8 CONSONA.


Contact Information Mitch Briggs

Consona Corporation

+1 317-249-1620

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Water Utility Joins ESRI's Small Utility Enterprise License Agreement Program

Water Utility Joins ESRI's Small Utility Enterprise License Agreement Program

Consolidated Utility District Maximizes GIS Capabilities and Cost Savings with Unlimited Deployment and Other Benefits

Redlands, California (PRWEB) February 20, 2009 -- Consolidated Utility District of Tennessee can now leverage its investment in geographic information system (GIS) technology for field and office operations through participation in ESRI's Small Utility Enterprise License Agreement (SU-ELA) program. Consolidated Utility District uses GIS to make departmental information accessible across the organization, track fleet vehicles, and support field personnel. The SU-ELA program makes it easy and cost-effective for the water utility to maximize and expand its GIS capabilities.

The SU-ELA program, available to utilities in the United States with 100,000 meters/connections or fewer, provides Consolidated Utility District with unlimited deployments of ESRI's ArcGIS platform to desktop, server, and mobile devices. It includes staff training, maintenance and support for products, and passes to ESRI's International User Conference. Consolidated Utility District plans to extend its use of GIS to enable digital editing of infrastructure information in the field, increase its use of utility network analysis tools, and make access to the GIS easier for users in a variety of departments. The utility provides water and wastewater services to Rutherford County in central Tennessee, with approximately 46,000 meters.

"In today's economic environment, it is our desire to be as efficient as possible," said Larry McElroy, the utility's general manager. "This will enable us to reach some of those goals. We are a growing system and are glad to have unlimited access for our staff."

Andy Koostra, systems manager for Consolidated Utility District, said, "When we heard about the program, we signed up right away. Over the past five years, GIS has improved our data organization and made information held in different systems, such as customer information, accessible in one place. Now, we can use ESRI's advanced analysis software to expand the benefits of our existing GIS. The program gives us economical access to advanced GIS server technology, so we plan to develop in-the-field editing capabilities for our field personnel who carry tablet PCs." Currently, the utility uses ESRI ArcGIS Server technology to provide field technicians with vehicle location and work order information.

At the heart of the SU-ELA program is ESRI's ArcGIS software (, an open, scalable, and interoperable platform that provides a complete system to create, serve, and use geographic information. An enterprise GIS based on ArcGIS technology benefits designers, analysts, decision makers, field staff, and customers through mobile, Web server, and desktop applications.

For more information on the SU-ELA program and to listen to the SU-ELA podcast, visit To speak to an expert, call 800-447-9778, extension 2990.

About ESRI

Since 1969, ESRI has been giving customers around the world the power to think and plan geographically. The market leader in GIS, ESRI software is used in more than 300,000 organizations worldwide including each of the 200 largest cities in the United States, most national governments, more than two-thirds of Fortune 500 companies, and more than 7,000 colleges and universities. ESRI applications, running on more than one million desktops and thousands of Web and enterprise servers, provide the backbone for the world's mapping and spatial analysis. ESRI is the only vendor that provides complete technical solutions for desktop, mobile, server, and Internet platforms. Visit us at

ESRI, the ESRI globe logo, ArcGIS, GIS by ESRI,, and are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of ESRI in the United States, the European Community, or certain other jurisdictions. Other companies and products mentioned herein may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective trademark owners.


Contact Information Susan Harp



HBM-nCode Announces Version 5.1 Release of ICE-flow Analysis Software

HBM-nCode Announces Version 5.1 Release of ICE-flow Analysis Software

Latest Version Offers Improved Visualization of Data and Reporting Capabilities.

Southfield, MI (PRWEB) February 19, 2009 -- HBM-nCode has released version 5.1 of ICE-flow Analysis, comprising GlyphWorks® and DesignLife™. This significant update includes new features and enhanced reporting capabilities which accelerate and simplify the conversion of huge amounts of engineering data into valuable information.

GlyphWorks features an easy-to-use environment that provides a wide range of interactive data processing and visualization capabilities for extremely large data sets. Specialized durability options include fatigue analysis, accelerated testing, and frequency domain tools. GlyphWorks 5.1 adds new capabilities for interactive data editing and new displays including Chart Display and Gauge Display. These new displays provide report-quality chart plotting of data tables and show synchronized values during playback to give further insight into test data.

Useful for applications such as proving grounds or test tracks, the GPS Display glyph has been enhanced to include the use of background satellite images and data export to the Google Earth™ mapping service. These features are also convenient for users in regions not supported by MapPoint® or where visualizing terrain is important. An open software product, GlyphWorks supports the Python programming language, many engineering data formats and interfaces to third-party software solutions. Version 5.1 offers additional file format enhancements including latest versions of MATLAB®.

DesignLife combines a powerful fatigue analysis solver for finite element models with an intuitive, graphical environment for making durability design decisions quickly and efficiently. DesignLife 5.1 includes new features for customization by using Python to define custom Stress-Life analysis methods.

This new and unique capability makes DesignLife applicable to users who have proprietary methods for fatigue calculations and associated materials data. In addition, users can extend existing capabilities rather than scripting a complete fatigue tool from scratch.

Additional product details are available at

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Contact Information Kim Hurt

HBM, Inc. - nCode


E-Signature Experts from Silanis and Locke Lord Bissell & Liddell LLP to Present on Electronic Evidence at the 2009 National Compliance Summit

E-Signature Experts from Silanis and Locke Lord Bissell & Liddell LLP to Present on Electronic Evidence at the 2009 National Compliance Summit

Silanis Technology, the leader in e-signature process management, announced today that it will co-present "E-Closings and E-Signatures: Know the Law" with law firm, Locke Lord Bissell & Liddell LLP at the 2009 National Compliance Summit. The session will take place on Friday, February 20th at 8:30 am (EST), and outline the evidence requirements for electronically signed mortgage applications and closing documents and what processes provide the strongest defense in court.

Montreal, QC (PRWEB) February 19, 2009 -- Silanis Technology, the leader in e-signature ( process management, announced today that it will co-present "E-Closings and E-Signatures: Know the Law" with law firm, Locke Lord Bissell & Liddell LLP at the 2009 National Compliance Summit. The session will take place on Friday, February 20th at 8:30 am (EST), and outline the evidence requirements ( for electronically signed mortgage applications and closing documents and what processes provide the strongest defense in court.

While the E-SIGN Act was passed into legislation nearly ten years ago giving electronically signed records the same legal validity as their pen and paper counterparts, it is no guarantee that the records will be admitted into court as evidence, or that electronically signed records will provide the needed defense to ensure a positive outcome in the event of litigation.

During the session Michael Laurie, Vice President of Strategic Development at Silanis Technology, and Gregory T. Casamento, Partner at Locke Lord Bissell & Liddell LLP, will draw from real-world technology deployments within the financial services industry ( to highlight the growing adoption of electronic signatures. The case studies will demonstrate how providers are strengthening the enforceability of their electronically signed loan documents by capturing greater evidence than is currently available with paper contracts. The following topics will be covered during the session:

- How to automate the enforcement of regulatory requirements and ensure that no information or step in the document review and signing process are missed

- How an electronic process can help individuals to better understand contract terms and that they are entering into a binding agreement

- What information can be captured along with the electronically signed document to create strong electronic evidence for internal control, audit and legal purposes.

- How to deliver the electronic evidence in a format that can be easily presented, reviewed and understood in a court of law

- How to register mortgage e-notes with the MERS e-note registry and support e-delivery through MERS and directly to Fannie Mae.

Locke Lord Bissell & Liddell LLP is a national law firm with offices across the country with experience helping companies design and implement e-signature processes. Silanis Technology is a leading provider of electronic signature solutions for the financial industry. The company recently released ApproveIt Web Server 3.0, a new breed of electronic signatures known as electronic signature process management ( The solution goes beyond simple signing to capture the strongest legal evidence by managing e-signature transactions form beginning to end. This includes disclosure delivery, document access and distribution, recording of all screens viewed and actions taken by the consumer during the on-line process, the archival and retrieval of completed packages, and evidence review tools for displaying and presenting the electronic evidence in legal and regulatory proceedings, audits and disputes.

To register for the "E-Closings and E-Signatures: Know the Law" session or learn more about the 2009 National Compliance ( Summit, visit: (

About the Speakers

Michael Laurie, Vice President: Strategic Planning, Silanis Technology

Michael Laurie, co-founder and vice president of Strategic Development, Silanis Technology, oversees product and industry marketing and strategy for the company. With more than 20 years' experience, he is a recognized expert on enterprise solutions for the application and compliance of electronic signatures, vaulting and transactions, and frequently presents on these topics. Mr. Laurie also represents Silanis in industry associations and standards committees related to financial services, insurance and government. He is a founding board member of the Electronic Signatures and Records Association (ESRA).

Gregory T. Casamento, Partner, Locke Lord Bissell & Liddell LLP

Greg Casamento is in the New York office of Locke Lord Bissell & Liddell. Greg's practice focuses on business, commercial, insurance and intellectual property litigation. He has significant experience litigating matters for his clients before both the State and Federal Courts of New York, and before a variety of New York state administrative bodies. He regularly advises clients on various aspects of designing and implementing effective, enforceable electronic signatures processes, with a special focus on the admissibility aspects of the records to enforce or defend claims relating to electronically signed or delivered documents.

About Silanis

Silanis Technology is the leading provider of e-signature process management solutions. The world's leading insurance and financial services companies, major government agencies, integrators and service providers depend on Silanis to accelerate business transactions and reduce costs while improving compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. The company's electronic signature platform, ApproveIt®, is an enterprise-class e-signature process management solution that transforms paper-based business transactions to all-electronic, web-based processes for e-commerce and e-government


Contact Information Mary Ellen Power

Silanis Technology Inc.
