Saturday, February 28, 2009

RMS Focuses on Unique Solutions for Managing Scarce Resources

RMS Focuses on Unique Solutions for Managing Scarce Resources

There is little question that organizations are facing an increasingly challenging competitive environment and economy. As a result, they are trying to use their internal resources more and more effectively. In response to this, Resource Management Solutions (RMS) ( has focused on collaborating with its clients, jointly developing solutions to managing human capital that are well suited to both today and the future.

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) February 28, 2009 -- There is little question that organizations are facing an increasingly challenging competitive environment and economy. As a result, they are trying to use their internal resources more and more effectively. In response to this, Resource Management Solutions (RMS) ( has focused on collaborating with its clients, jointly developing solutions to managing human capital that are well suited to both today and the future.

Currently in its ninth year of operation, RMS boldly steps forward, with an eye on both the present and the future. With a CFO/Controller background himself, Rod Sherr, a CPA, President and CEO of RMS, and his team now leverage their historical specialization in time and attendance system implementation by broadening their horizons to provide comprehensive business solutions including such things as, process improvement, resource management, and advisory consulting services.

"The time has come for Business Innovation and Workforce Management Technology to merge. Companies want and need answers now, not 10 days after month-end close". The technology is currently available Sherr says. In fact, companies in industries such as Healthcare and Manufacturing gain the most benefit from the current Workforce Management Technology ( (WMT).

These types of companies can lose hundreds of thousands of dollars each year if they don't understand exactly how to control their labor costs. Sherr recalls his 17 plus years in industry trying to focus on labor cost reduction. He says it was very hard to do and very labor intensive. Although Time and Attendance software was developed in the 70's, it was initially used only to capture time and share this data with the Human Resource and Payroll Systems. It has only been in the last few years that Time and Attendance software development companies started focusing on and designing their software to provide timely critical data for management to utilize in their critical decision processes. In fact today's technology allows a company to run real data scenarios helping a company to select the most cost effective teams when additional hours are required in a day or week. This technology allows an organization to tweak the line-up until the most cost effective employees are identified thus reducing overtime. This alone can save an organization a lot of money each week/month/year.

Sherr has focused on the concept of helping their clients understand the power and ability of truly managing their workforce by utilizing today's technology.

For each client, RMS ( uniquely constructs process improvement and technology solutions, problem solving, and implementation expertise, to better manage and/or significantly lower labor costs. When coupled with their exceptional project management discipline, RMS delivers a total implementation solution which involves the proper training of management not just the end-users.

RMS also focuses on Software Application Utilization. On an average most companies only utilize their software's capability somewhere between 60% - 65%. This leaves out critical functionality Sherr says. This is why RMS works with their clients to raise this utilization percentage. Sherr invites you to call RMS for a free consultation which will allow you to explore options on how your company can save on labor costs.

Resource Management Solutions (RMS) is a professional services consulting firm specializing in improving the processes that directly affect the productivity and management of Human Capital. By making improvements to the processes in these areas and with the use of today's technology, RMS is able to show their clients how to increase productivity and reduce labor costs thus affecting the company's profitability. These cost reduction procedures RMS implements are sustainable for years to come. RMS has been serving their clients since 2000. A California-based Corporation, RMS ( has a solid record of accomplishment. It has gained the reputation of doing whatever it takes to ensure projects are successful. RMS has helped companies with up to 45,000 employees successfully implement ERP and Workforce Management Technology solutions in a timely cost effective manner. Call one of our offices today and see why people call RMS "the missing piece" to their projects. RMS looks forward to serving you soon.


NAME: Scott Siderman

PHONE: 866-361-1704 ext. 708

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Contact Information Scott Siderman


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