Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Brookeside Group Has Asked and Had Answered Over One Million Questions

The Brookeside Group Has Asked and Had Answered Over One Million Questions

"Breaking the one million mark is an important milestone for Brookeside as a company and for our clients," says Founder & President Tom Cates.

Acton, MA (PRWEB) February 5, 2009 -- The Brookeside Group, Inc. ( has asked and had answered over one million questions on behalf of their clients through its patent pending loyalty management process (

Brookeside has tested hundreds of survey questions and performed rigorous analytics in an attempt to quantify the strength of employee-client relationships. The survey tool can now tell Brookeside's clients with 87% accuracy which customers will leave them within the next year. Brookeside's goal of capturing and protecting such a large amount of data is to help their clients identify these at-risk clients and help them mend the relationships, as well as nurture those that are already on their way to becoming loyal business partners.

"Breaking the one million mark is an important milestone for Brookeside as a company and for our clients," says Founder & President Tom Cates ( "Our database is growing by the minute and with each new question answered our benchmarking capacity and strength is bolstered. Reaching this point is exciting for our company growth, but more importantly, it increases the value we provide to our clients."

Brookeside's Relationship Climate™ survey is part of a suite of products and services used to build long-term business-to-business relationships. The question set has been statistically proven to accurately measure the state of a client relationship and results are often reported through the company's online software tool, EnAct ( EnAct is a real-time, web-based feedback program that turns client perceptions captured through survey questions into action plans to encourage employee behavior change.

About The Brookeside Group

The Brookeside Group, Inc. provides strategic consulting services and relationship building tools to a broad client base, ranging from start-ups to the Global 1000. At the company's core is a Loyalty Management System (patent pending) that both anticipates and activates employee, customer and partner Loyalty. Brookeside analyses look past inert satisfaction measures to uncover the underlying "heart-and-mind" variables that drive long-term, mutually beneficial relationships. Brookeside helps its clients develop and implement action plans that seamlessly weave relationship management best practices into the fabric of their organization, culture and business workday.

Brookeside's key product sets include: Measuring Loyalty through their Loyalty Management System and online software EnAct, Building Loyalty through strategic consulting, Maintaining Loyalty through highly acclaimed training courses, and Communicating Loyalty through messaging creation.

More information about Acton, Massachusetts-based Brookeside can be found on the company's Web site,, or by calling (978) 266-9876.    


Allison Byers

978.266.9876 x224


Contact Information Allison Byers

The Brookeside Group

978-266-9876 +224

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