Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Meteor Solutions Inc. Captures Data on the Elusive Online Word-of-Mouth

Meteor Solutions Inc. Captures Data on the Elusive Online Word-of-Mouth

Measure, Buy and Amplify Online Word-of-Mouth with the Same Precision as Paid Media

Seattle, WA (PRWEB) February 3, 2009 -- Meteor Solutions today officially announced its company and Meteor, its technology platform of the same name. The company, based in Seattle, WA, is an Internet software company that captures data for online word-of-mouth activities - filling the huge advertising and marketing gap currently plaguing the online advertising industry. Using the patent-pending Meteor technology platform, Meteor Solutions enables advertisers and publishers to measure, optimize and amplify online word-of-mouth with the same precision as paid advertising. Since it was founded in December 2008, Meteor has been used to track word of mouth for several multi-million dollar marketing campaigns by major brands. Some of the top online, mobile, and game companies are also using Meteor, and its client list is continuing to grow despite the economic downturn.

"In this economy, ad and marketing dollars are under increasing scrutiny and, in many cases, are being cut severely, so it is imperative that these dollars are spent wisely," said Meteor Solutions CEO Ben Straley. "People are more likely to check out links sent from people they know and follow recommendations from friends than they are to respond directly to most advertising. For the first time, Meteor enables advertisers and publishers to track their content as it's passed along from person to person and understand the impact word of mouth is having on ROI."

On average, Web sites currently running Meteor tracking software have found that they receive 20% of their total unique visitors through online content sharing in email, and IM, as well as on social sites like blogs, Facebook and Twitter. This exact measurement of such a substantial and relatively untapped source of website visitors and revenues puts online word-of-mouth in a league with the two leading sources of site visits: search engines and direct navigation.

"Armed with the data, insights and tools that Meteor provides, advertisers and publishers can capitalize on the enormous potential of online word-of-mouth marketing for the first time," said Pete Parsons, Chief of Products for Meteor Solutions.

The Meteor technology platform has 2 parts: Meteor Tracker and Meteor Ignite.

Meteor Tracker:

The Meteor Tracker is built around patent-pending technology that utilizes tracking scripts to monitor the "pass-along" of content from one person to another via links on Web pages, bookmarks, email messages, instant messenger and mobile devices. As tracked content is shared among friends, on blogs, and within communities, Meteor Tracker generates a sharing graph that identifies each "node" (unique visitor) within the graph and captures every site visit generated through each individual source.

Using this basic set of data, Meteor Tracker aggregates the number of visits to the content or campaign, the number of those visits that resulted from content sharing and the number of visits from sharing that resulted in an action (e.g. registration, lead, or sale). For sites that are driving visitors to take a specific action like making a purchase, Meteor tracks every conversion and identifies the ones that were the result of sharing. Meteor customers then have both granular and high-level views of the velocity, volume and value of the activity generated directly as a result of word-of mouth.

Meteor Ignite:

Meteor Ignite provides advertisers and publishers with a platform to create rewarding and engaging user experiences with games and widgets that can accelerate and multiply content sharing. Basic platform services are provided at no additional charge and enable visitors to share content quickly and easily through email and IM, as well as through social sites like Digg, Delicious and Facebook. For an additional fee, Meteor Ignite provides a powerful set of premium promotion and content sharing features to advertisers who want to add even more momentum to the word-of-mouth surrounding their campaigns.

For more information about Meteor Solutions, go to www.meteorsolutions.com.

About Meteor Solutions:

Seattle-based Meteor Solutions was originally founded in 2008 by the merging of two independent companies - Reach Machines and Fyreball. Meteor has been used to track word of mouth for several multi-million dollar marketing campaigns by major brands. Some of the top online, mobile, and game companies are using Meteor as well. The platform is also being used by a number of early-stage companies, and its client list continues to grow. Any company that wants to measure and amplify the organic word of mouth around its content and marketing campaigns will see immediate benefits from Meteor. More information about Meteor Solutions and the Meteor platform can be found at www.meteorsolutions.com.


Contact Information Susan Lusty


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